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Personal Profile

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Welcome to our pop-up class page!


This is where you'll find our scheduled pop-up classes that do not fit the weekly schedule. The following classes are pre-scheduled to fit certain celebrations and/or happenings during the summer. They might have more of a theme to them other than the type of yoga; such as full moon or eclipse. Natural phenomenon that don't occur on a weekly basis.


For non-scheduled pop-up classes that might replace weekly classes, please see our Instagram or Facebook page for more detailed and fast updates.

Full list of pop-up classes 2022:

May 28th

Starts at: 8pm

Duration: 1h

Sofie Woods

Month date

Starts at:


First Last

Month date
Starts at:



First Last

Name of Class: Full Moon Class
Type of Class: Vinyasa Flow

Description: We stay grounded and connected to our minds and bodies. This class highlights the cycles we go through in life with powerful yet gentle movements. The vinyasa will give you the opportunity to embrace your strenght and endurance in routine flows.

Name of Class:

Type of Class:


Name of Class:

Type of Class:


Get in Touch

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  • Facebook
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