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Swede Wellness aims to help anyone and everyone live their healthiest lives. We have a deep passion for fitness classes, which are essential for your physical well-being. Below are some of the drop-in classes currently offered by our team. Keep an eye out for occasional pop-up classes!



Push Up


Yoga Flow: Wednesday 6.10-7.10pm MST

(In person - G1 climbing and fitness)

Gentle Yoga: Friday 7.30am - 8.25am MST

(In person or virtual - Apex Center)


*Private Yoga, Pilates or PT lessons by request



Classes hosted by Swede Wellness
We are using zoom meetings for all our virtual classes, below you can find the zoom info. Our Tuesday virtual class is donation based and below are different ways to donate. We appreciate your support! 

Zoom meeting info

Click here for Zoom Meeting link

Meeting ID: 990 1187 3225
Passcode: 093670
One tap mobile
+17207072699,,99011873225#,,,,*093670# US (Denver)
+13462487799,,99011873225#,,,,*093670# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
        +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 990 1187 3225
Passcode: 093670
Find your local number:

If you want to donate a contribution to Swede Wellness for our virtual classes, we will gratefully accept your generosity! If you want to join a week for free - we welcome you! You can donate via the button below and use a credit card or paypal, or you can pay via venmo to @MrsWoods 

Classes hosted by The Apex Center
For classes hosted by the Apex Center you will need a membership or a punch-pass to join. The different options are the following:

Apex at Home - Virtual Group Fitness Pass
Non-resident $35/month, Arvada resident  $30/month
This pass will give you monthly, unlimited access to over 40 fitness classes per week. The only thing you need is a computer, tablet, or smart phone and your favorite classes and instructors will be available to you at the click of button. This pass is a monthly reoccurring option, but you can reach out to Apex guest services to cancel whenever, no full year commitment. 

  • To purchase your pass, please go to the Apex Center website to create a login and pick your pass. If you purchase this before May 1 you will be charged a prorated fee of less than $5 for this month. If you want to avoid this fee, don't purchase until May 1.

  • The full online schedule can be found HERE (Filter the "Location" Drop-down to "Apex at Home")


Tier 2 20 Punch Adult
Non-resident $107 ($5.35/class), Resident $78 ($3.9/class)
This pass never expire, are transferable and non refundable.You will get 20 classes loaded to your card that can be used for any of the virtual classes offered.

When the Apex Center opens back up you will be able to use your pass at the following facilities: Secrest, Fitzmorris and Simms St. Recreation Centers, Apex Field House, Racquetball and Fitness Center, and Community Recreation Center.


Please fill out form to receive more class info
Is this your first time registering?
What sessions are you interesed in joining?

Thanks for submitting! You will recieve an email with class link(s) from a team member.

REgistraion virtual yoga
Donate Yoga
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