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December's top three

Writer's picture: Isa GullbekkIsa Gullbekk

A month of celebration can also easily become a month of stress. I've been told by plenty of people that I'm the grinch, which might or might not be true, doesn't really matter. Let's just say, I need to take care of my mental health a lot this time of year, more so than other times. So this is the list of my top three picks on how I will deal with my stress during December:

Eat cookies

I love cookies. And I'm not the biggest fan of christmas. And you know what? Sometimes it's okay to let yourself have a treat during the week too. Way too often we get caught up in the idea that sweets are only for the weekend, something to look forward to because you've been good with your diet during the week. But honestly, cookies make me happy. I don't eat them enough and when I do, I feel bad because they're loaded with calories I didn't count into my daily intake. That's going to change and I will let myself ENJOY cookies for the month of December, without feeling any kind of negative way about it!


I tried this during my December video and it made me feel good. I didn't keep all the bad thoughts away for the entire five minute period I sat there, but once they came to me I dealt with them and let them go. I need to take more time for myself. I need it. I need to relax more and if I work on it, maybe I'll be able to sit down for five minutes and ONLY focus on the good things in life.

Watch horror movies

I love horror movies. And no one I hang out with does. So while everyone goes christmas shopping, either for decorations or gifts, I will watch a SH*T TON of horror movies. I'm always that friend who has to compromise and not watch my first pick, and I respect my friends enough to not give them nightmares. But this month is my month, so I will dive into the dark hole of horror (even if I'm two months late the horror trend).


12-2017 Sophie at Red Rocks for Printing

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